The address is:
The Warren Club Ballroom
Worthing College
1 Sanditon Way
BN14 9FD
N.B. As this is a new road the postcode may not be in older satnavs - the postcode BN14 9QB will take you to Hillbarn Lane, just off the A27/A24 - the college is about 500 yards up this road, left/West at the mini roundabout.
When you arrive at the College the Warren Club is in the grounds, to the left as you enter the site, not the main building. There is a pedestrian gate to the left of the main car park entrance gate - you should park in the main car park and walk back to this gate - the Warren is about 40 yards down the path - there's a mirror ball above reception to show you the way!
By Car: Easily accessed from the A27 and A24. The College is located off the north side of Grove Lodge roundabout and is accessed off Hillbarn Lane.
Due to Sanditon Way being a new road, our postcode BN14 9FD may not register on some SAT NAV or GPS devices. If this is the case please use the postcode BN14 9QB which will take you to Hill Barn Lane. Approx. 500yards up the lane turn into left into Worthing College.